::What is Worldview Café::

Our worldview must adequately answer questions of origin, meaning, morality and destiny.

Jesus claimed to be the source and definition of the truth about reality: Metaphysics (why there is something rather than nothing), Theology (God), Epistemology (knowledge), Ethics (morality), and Anthropology (nature of man). (John 18:37; 14:6; 8:31-32)

A Solution to the Growing Need:

What is Worldview Café/ Purpose Statement, Mission, and Goals

::See The Main Website For More::


Activity of worldviewcafe

Types of Worldview Questions

(From The Rationality of the Christian Worldview http://www.bible.org/)

1. Metaphysical:
--Is there something?
--Why is there something rather than nothing?
--What is real?

2. Theological:
--Is there a God?
--Who or what is God?
--What is His relationship to the universe?
-- Can miracles happen?
-- How doe we get to know God?

3. Epistemological:
--What is truth?
--Can truth be known?
--How is knowledge attained?

4. Ethical:
--Are there moral laws (right and wrong)?
--What is the basis for moral laws?
--Do laws apply to all people?-- What is evil?

5. Anthropological:
--What is man?
--Are human actions free or determined?
--Is man essentially good, evil, or neutral?
--What happens after death?
-- What is the meaning of human history?

Seven basic worldviews:
1. Theism
2. Deism
3. Pantheism
4. Panentheism
5. Polytheism
6. Pluralism
7. Naturalism

Saturday, June 27, 2015